Import data from raw data formats, apply data corrections & assess test results.

Numerous in-built tools are provided to allow all aspects of the data to be reviewed and adjusted if required:
- Point & Sounding renaming (i.e. merge operations)
- Rod change spike cleaning
- Apply friction sleeve offsets
- Assess dissipation tests
- Assign pre-drill depths
- Assign water level
- Shift start depth
- Shift friction sleeve position
- Data offset
- Custom excel export for simple import into analytical software

Various filter methods can be applied during or after data is imported to identify spikes associated to rod changes.

Dissipation test data can be assessed for the following:
- ui
- u0
- uc
- t(x)

Sounding, dissipation & seismic data can be imported from the following raw data formats:
- GEF (*.gef) 1.0.0 & 1.1.0
- Geotech AB (*.cpt & *.dpt)
- A.P. van den Berg (*.gru), plus vane tests
- Pagani (*.dat)
Other supported formats:
- Excel
- Access
- CLiq (ADT Add-in)